Analisis Etnografi Kritis: Kiprah Ulama Perempuan Sebagai Agen Media Literasi Bagi Kaum Marginal Critical Ethnographic Analysis: The Gait of Female Ulama as Literacy Media Agents for the Marginal

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Elis Teti Rusmiati
Ellys Lestari Pambayun Pambayun
Amal Fathullah


The role of female ulama  as agents of critical media literacy for the marginalized as an effort to align them with other communities. Marginal people who are still not literate in Depok are still high.This article aims to analyze female ulama  in mobilizing critical media literacy for marginal groups in Depok City that is still lagging behind in information and technology. The theoretical framework is the piety theory and critical media literacy theory. The research method uses critical ethnography which specifically analyzes the cultural problems of marginalized in an exploratory-interpretative and transformative way by indepth interview and focused discussion. The results of the study report that the gait of female ulama (pesantren) in mobilizing critical media literacy still has challenges: recognition from the patryarchy community as dominance; through a pious approach, critical media literacy as a way of preserving Islamic traditions and strengthening the independence and not shackled to the role of the ruler.


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Teti Rusmiati, Elis, Ellys Lestari Pambayun Pambayun, Juraidi, and Amal Fathullah. “Analisis Etnografi Kritis: Kiprah Ulama Perempuan Sebagai Agen Media Literasi Bagi Kaum Marginal: Critical Ethnographic Analysis: The Gait of Female Ulama As Literacy Media Agents for the Marginal”. Jurnal Bimas Islam 17, no. 2 (December 31, 2024): 473–504. Accessed February 11, 2025.


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