Strategi Tafsir Ayat dalam Dakwah di Era Digital: Mengoptimalkan Media Sosial sebagai Makna Dakwah Strategies for Tafsir Da'wah Verses in the Digital age: Optimizing Social Media as a Da'wah Means

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Iqrom Faldiansyah


The interpretation of da'wah verses in the digital era can be an effective strategy in optimizing social media as a means of da'wah. In the digital age, social media has become the most popular platform for communicating and interacting with others. Therefore, the use of social media in da'wah must be balanced with an effective interpretation of the da'wah verse to reach a wider audience. This research is a library research, the method used is descriptive analysis. With the aim of finding maximum results. The strategy of the interpretation of effective da'wah must take the rules of the interpretation of the verse correctly and accurately so that the message conveyed can be well understood by the audience. In addition, the interpretation of the da'wah verses adapted in the digital era must also be adjusted to the context of developing times, such as the use of images, videos, and audio as a tool in explanation. The application of the interpretation strategy of da'wah verses on social media must prioritize Islamic values that encourage peace and tolerance between religious believers. In this way, social media can be an effective means of da'wah to reach many people and inspire them to practice the teachings of Islam. The results of this study, the interpretation strategy of da'wah verses in the digital era can be an effective tool to optimize social media as a means of da'wah. In implementing this strategy, it is necessary to pay attention to the rules of the interpretation of the correct and accurate verse and pay attention to the context of the times that develop. With the right application, social media can be a strong tool in spreading peaceful and tolerant Islamic teachings.


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How to Cite
Faldiansyah, Iqrom. “Strategi Tafsir Ayat Dalam Dakwah Di Era Digital: Mengoptimalkan Media Sosial Sebagai Makna Dakwah: Strategies for Tafsir Da’wah Verses in the Digital Age: Optimizing Social Media As a Da’wah Means”. Jurnal Bimas Islam 17, no. 2 (December 31, 2024): 505–524. Accessed February 11, 2025.


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