A Fact Checking Perception and Behavior Study of Ministry of Religious Affair Islamic Trainers

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Giri Lumakto
Ahmad Syamsuddin



Persepsi dan perilaku cek fakta pada Penyuluh Agama Islam belum pernah diketahui. Walau beberapa penelitian telah membahas persepsi dan perilaku cek fakta pada profesi dan target audiens tertentu. Sedangkan Penyuluh Agama Islam (PAI) adalah garda terdepan klarifikasi informasi di banyak daerah Indonesia yang mayoritas Muslim. PAI memiliki fungsi informatif juga untuk menyampaikan informasi yang benar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perilaku dan persepsi PAI dalam mengecek fakta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Survei Google form telah diisi oleh 425 responden sebagai sampling penelitian. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah Penyuluh Agama Islam didominasi Generation X (40%) dan Baby Boomer (32,4%). Dengan platform sosial media yang populer adalah WhatsApp (96,4%), Facebook (56%), dan Instagram (27%) Mereka memandang penting persepsi dan perilaku cek fakta di platform sosial media (>80%). Namun dalam hal mencari sebuah fakta dari karya akademik dan fanpage mereka terpecah persepsi dan perilakunya (>40%). Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah perlunya menjadikan cek fakta sebagai bagian dari perilaku PAI. Sehingga terjadi perubahan persepsi pada informasi di lanskap digital, terutama menyoal hoaks.

Kata kunci: disinformasi, cek fakta, penyuluh agama Islam, persepsi



The perception and behavior fact checking from Religious Counselor of Islam is still unknown. Although few studies have discussed the perception and behavior from particular professions and audiences. Religious Counselor of Islam (PAI) are the vanguard of information clarification in various regions with Islam as the majority. They should disseminate correct information. The aims of this research is to seek the behavior and perception of Islamic Religious Counselor of Islam. This research employed a quantitative approach using a survey technique. The Google Form survey had gathered 425 respondents as the sampling of this research. The results suggest that the Religious Counselor of Islam were dominated by Generation X (40%) and Baby Boomers (32,4%). They favored WhatsApp (96,4%), Facebook (56%), and Instagram (27%) as their favorites social media. They perceived and conducted fact checking as necessary (>80%). However, in seeking factual information from academic writings and fact-checking fanpage, they have different perception and behavior (>40%). The implications of this research is the need to make fact checking as part of the Religious Counselor of Islam behavior. Further, this could shift their perception toward information in digital landscape, particularly disinformation.

Keywords: disinformation, fact checking, religious counselor, perception


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How to Cite
Lumakto, Giri, and Ahmad Syamsuddin. “A Fact Checking Perception and Behavior Study of Ministry of Religious Affair Islamic Trainers”. Jurnal Bimas Islam 13, no. 2 (December 15, 2020): 235–258. Accessed February 23, 2025. https://jurnalbimasislam.kemenag.go.id/jbi/article/view/262.


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