Prinsip Toleransi Layanan Umat; Blended Learning Bimbingan Pranikah sebagai Model Pembelajaran Aplikatif The Principle of Tolerance of People's Services; Blended Learning Premarital Guidance as an Applicative Learning Model

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Adiesti Mutia Ayu Fadhila Agustin
Khaerudin Khaerudin
Indina Tarjiah


Marriage guidance is one way to equip brides-to-be with the knowledge to encourage and foster awareness for catin in understanding the purpose of building a happy family in order to regulate the quality of family life, understand the rights and obligations of husband and wife for the creation of the Sakinah family. Marriage guidance is indispensable. By fostering marriage every married couple can be more mature in the face of marital problems, indirectly marriage guidance can reduce the divorce rate. This is assumed by some researchers as the beginning of the rise of divorce, namely the lack of knowledge or provisions about marital problems. Every divorce has an impact on the well-being and loss of the rights of women and children. However, during the Covid-19 pandemic marriage guidance was not effective. The Covid-19 pandemic requires that almost all human activities switch to digital media. This research aims to develop blended learning products for prenuptial guidance at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Ciamis Regency which is focused on KUA Cipaku District. Research methods used development research or Research and Development (R & D). This research intends to create blended learning products and test their feasibility and effectiveness. The results showed that marital guidance designed in the form of blended learning was feasible and effective to use and was an example of an actual program.



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Agustin, Adiesti Mutia Ayu Fadhila, Khaerudin Khaerudin, and Indina Tarjiah. “Prinsip Toleransi Layanan Umat; Blended Learning Bimbingan Pranikah Sebagai Model Pembelajaran Aplikatif : The Principle of Tolerance of People’s Services; Blended Learning Premarital Guidance As an Applicative Learning Model”. Jurnal Bimas Islam 15, no. 1 (July 28, 2022): 103–130. Accessed February 23, 2025.


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