Hak Keluarga dan Implikasinya dalam Perkawinan Diaspora: Konsep Mashlahah Mursalah dalam Hukum Islam Family Rights and Their Implications in Diaspora Marriages: The Mashlahah Mursalah Concept in Islamic Law

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Sadari Sadari
mesraini mesraini


The purpose of this research is to offer regulations having a more tangible benefit, including for the wives of those who engage in diaspora marriages. Thus, the choice to become a citizen, both Indonesian and foreign citizens, remains wide open, so that they have the opportunity to make the best decision. In the perspective of maslahah mursalah, that the benefits are for all humans to feel, is an important consideration for establishing a law that corresponds with the intent of stipulation in Islamic law, namely to provide benefit to all people. While the research approach relies on mashlahah mursalah, which asserts that there is no written text that forbids or mandates diaspora marriage. Therefore, considerations of benefit should be taken into account in the decision of mashlahah mursalah in the issue of the implications of diaspora marriages for family rights. It includes the benefit of the nation's interest compared to individual benefits for perpetrators of diaspora marriages. The results of his research recommend the followings. (1) Producing synergistic integration in a constructive unity of decisions between the rule of law in Indonesia and the reasoning of maslahah mursalah as part of legal determination (istinbat al-hukm) (2) Generate legal regulations related to diaspora marriages and their implications based on the Marriage Law, Citizenship Law, Population Administration Law, Agrarian Law, and a number of other regulations which already have a common consensus (ijma' jama'i) to build collective benefit, not only for Muslims, but also for every citizen of Indonesia. (3) Strengthening the rules stipulated by the government, especially in the context of diaspora marriages, whilst also following the rules and provisions of Islamic law itself. This is because the regulations set by the government and legal provisions in Islam are oriented towards one goal, namely creating benefit and the common good.


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How to Cite
Sadari, Sadari, and mesraini mesraini. “Hak Keluarga Dan Implikasinya Dalam Perkawinan Diaspora: Konsep Mashlahah Mursalah Dalam Hukum Islam: Family Rights and Their Implications in Diaspora Marriages: The Mashlahah Mursalah Concept in Islamic Law”. Jurnal Bimas Islam 15, no. 2 (December 7, 2022): 203–236. Accessed February 23, 2025. https://jurnalbimasislam.kemenag.go.id/jbi/article/view/697.


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