Peran Organisasi Perempuan dalam Pengembangan Dakwah Moderat (Studi Kasus Daiyah PP Fatayat NU Jakarta) The Role of Women's Organizations in the Development of Moderate Da'wah

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uswatun uswatun



The aims of this study are: to analyze how the role of women's organizations (Center for Fatayat NU/PP FNU) in developing moderate da'wah attitudes and da'wah strategies in strengthening the basics of da'wah material oriented towards efforts to fight extremism and religious-based radicalism. This research is a qualitative research, with an interdisciplinary approach (interdiciplinary), namely a case approach, library research approach, and culture (cultural). The main subjects and instruments in this study were the Central Executive Fatayat Nahdlatul Ulama for the 2015-2021 management period. The results of this study indicate that the role of the Fatayat NU Central Board, especially the PP FNU daiyah, in developing moderate da'wah is to provide positive and strong support. In an effort to produce and develop moderate da'wah, the strategies he develops are very diverse, various efforts are made to formulate and package his da'wah so as to produce moderate, friendly, and able to create inter-religious harmony.

                                       Keywords: Role, Da'wah, Moderate, Fatayat NU


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How to Cite
uswatun, uswatun. “Peran Organisasi Perempuan Dalam Pengembangan Dakwah Moderat (Studi Kasus Daiyah PP Fatayat NU Jakarta) : The Role of Women’s Organizations in the Development of Moderate Da’wah”. Jurnal Bimas Islam 15, no. 2 (December 7, 2022): 387–416. Accessed September 15, 2024.


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Anggia Ermarini, Ketua Umum PP Fatayat NU, 03 Desember 2021, di Hotel Sofyan, jam 13.30- 14.30 WIB.

Anisa Rahmawati, Ketua Bidang Dakwah PP Fatayat NU. 01 Desember 2021, di Hotel Sofyan, jam 13.30- 14.30 WIB

Hj Dewi Ani, Ketua Forum Daiyah Fatayat NU, pada tanggal 04 Desember 2021 di Kantor PP Fatayat NU Keramat Lontar Senen.

Margaret Aliyatul Maimunah, Sekretaris Umum PP Fatayat NU, 02 Desember 2021, di Hotel Sofyan, jam 13.30- 14.30 WIB