Jurnal Bimas Islam 2025-01-14T08:10:38+00:00 ahmad syamsuddin Open Journal Systems Jurnal Bimas Islam adalah terbitan berkala ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Direktorat Jenderal Bimbingan Masyarakat Islam Kementerian Agama. Jurnal ini memuat Ringkasan Hasil Penelitian, Tinjauan Teori, Artikel Ilmiah yang dikemas secara sistematis dan kritis di bidang Bimbingan Masyarakat Islam secara luas. Jurnal Bimas Islam terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu bulan Juli dan November. Dimensi Holistik Psikologi Sufi: Studi Perbandingan Psikologi Mainstream 2024-12-05T04:44:01+00:00 Thobib Al-Asyhar Gazali <p>This research explores the holistic dimension of Sufi psychology in comparison with mainstream psychology through a qualitative method based on descriptive analysis. The study maps the paradigm shift in mainstream (Western) psychology, from the humanistic approach focused on self-actualization, to the integrative approach offered by Sufi psychology combining holistic spiritual and psychological dimensions. Although mainstream (Western) psychology, as pioneered by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, approaches the concept of psychological well-being with a comprehensive perspective, it is often trapped in reductionism that neglects the spiritual dimension. In contrast, Sufi psychology emphasizes four main elements—qalb (heart), ‘aql (intellect), ruh (spirit), and nafs (soul)—along with the concept of tazkiyah al-nafs (purification of the soul) as the primary strategy for achieving psychological and spiritual balance. This deeper and more comprehensive approach integrates divine values such as faith and tawhid in the process of healing and self-development, an approach that not only considers mental well-being but also spiritual well-being. In this context, Sufi psychology offers a solution to the spiritual and psychological crises of modern society by addressing the search for meaning in life and selftranscendence. Unlike Western psychological therapy, which is more focused on managing emotions and individual trauma, Sufi psychology emphasizes the importance of soul purification as a path to inner harmony and more holistic balance. The results of this study affirm the relevance of an integrative approach to meet the overall spiritual and psychological needs of humans, surpassing the limitations of materialism in Western mainstream psychology.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Bimas Islam Moderasi Beragama antara Islam dan Tionghoa di Pulau Bangka 2024-12-17T11:23:12+00:00 Irawan Nasrun <p><strong><em>Abstract: </em></strong><em>This article aims to explain the religious moderation between Islam and Tionghoa in Bangka Island. This article is categorized as field research and analyzed using descriptive qualitative method. The approach used in this article is a historical sociological approach. In analyzing the research results, Milton M. Gordon's theory: multi-stages of assimilation and Peter L. Berger's theory: the sacred canopy are used. This article concludes that Islamic moderation between Islam and Tionghoa &nbsp;in Bangka is going well. This is due to history, assimilation (structural assimilation, cultural assimilation, and receptive assimilation), externalization, objectivation, and internalization. </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Islam,</em> <em>Tionghoa, religious moderation.</em></p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Bimas Islam Tadarus Alquran di Trotoar Sebagai Pertunjukan Kesalehan di Ruang Publik 2024-12-06T02:23:30+00:00 Muhammad Agus Noorbani Mahmudah Nur Muhammad Tarobin <p style="font-weight: 400;">This paper presents an analysis of the new shift in the religious expression of Muslims in Indonesia. The main question that this article attempts to answer is whether the internet and new media have an impact on the religious expression of Muslims in urban areas of Indonesia? Using the literature study and review various online media reports, this paper examines the phenomenon of the Qur'anic <em>tadarus</em> movement on the sidewalks that occurred in several cities in Indonesia. The results of this study found that the recitation of the Qur'an marked a new chapter of Muslim religious expression. In the 1990s to 2000s religious expression was part of the participation of Muslims in the social and political system, a cultivation shifts from previous decades where Muslims distanced themselves from social and political systems that were deemed incompatible with Islamic values. In this phase, the boundaries between the private and the public in expressing religion are still maintained. Nowadays, along with the development of information technology and new media such as the internet, Muslim religious expressions cross the boundaries between the private and the public. <em>Tadarus</em> on the sidewalk or congregational prayers on the streets are becoming a kind of 'show' that is becoming increasingly common in Indonesia.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Bimas Islam Diskursus Fatwa MUI No. 83 Tahun 2023 Tentang Dukungan Terhadap Palestina dan Seruan Boikot Produk Pro-Israel 2024-12-12T03:45:58+00:00 Faishal Agil Al Munawar Miftahudin Azmi Mohammad Rohmanan <p>Israel’s brutal military aggression against Palestine has resulted in dozens, if not hundreds, of lives. There are around 41,000 fatalities, 97,166 injured victims, and 11,000 people who have not been found. This fact received a strong response from various countries. Solidarity with the suffering of the Palestinian people is carried out by Muslims in Indonesia. The Indonesian Ulama Council responded by issuing Fatwa No. 83 of 2023 concerning support for the struggle for the Palestinian people. One form of support is boycotting products that are affiliated with Israel. This fatwa is worth studying more specifically, because there are pros and cons that follow. Those who support it call the fatwa a concrete step in support of Palestine. Meanwhile, those who oppose it say the fatwa will result in a decrease in production and lead to threats of layoffs. This article includes empirical research with qualitative methods in the form of describing the data researched and analyzed, and presented in the form of descriptive text. The research results prove that there are several fastfood restaurants in Malang that were affected by the fatwa. One of the effects is decreasing production and laying off employees. If this fatwa is analyzed using Jasser Auda’s maqāṣid syarī’ah, it only has a correlation with the cognitive aspect, while it conflicts with the other five aspects.</p> 2025-01-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Bimas Islam Masjid Az-Zikra Sentul: Transformasi dari Eco-Masjid ke Eco-Sosial 2024-12-11T04:04:49+00:00 Suwendi Muhamad Abror <p style="font-weight: 400;">Mosques are not only places of worship, but also serve as centers of education and social change. Given the increasing environmental challenges, mosques have an important role in raising ecological awareness. This study examines the implementation of eco-friendly principles at Az-Zikra Mosque in Sentul, Bogor, during the period of Khotib Kholil Foundation Chairman (2016-2022), as well as its role in educating the community about environmental conservation. Through qualitative research involving interviews, observations, and documentation, this study explores various environmentally friendly initiatives at the mosque, which include maximizing water usage, bioclimatic architectural design of mosque buildings, utilization of biogas, waste management with incineration technology, urban green space management, and plastic bottle waste alms movement. Research informants include mosque administrators, worshipers, volunteers, and the surrounding community. Using Elinor Ostrom's Theory of Co-management of Natural Resources (Commons Management), this study proves that Az-Zikra Mosque not only successfully implements ecological practices efficiently with evidence of successfully applying the concept of eco-mosque according to Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) standards, but is also able to make ecological activities at the mosque an effective medium of ecological education to the local community by involving them directly in environmentally conscious activities. The research findings show that mosques are able to apply a holistic approach to sustainability by optimizing natural resources, providing ecological education, and integrating environmental awareness with spiritual values. Research recommendations include increasing collaboration between mosques and communities, strengthening partnerships with government and the private sector, encouraging other mosques to adopt environmentally friendly practices, developing religious education modules that integrate ecological awareness, and creating an evaluation system to measure the impact of mosque environmental initiatives on an ongoing basis.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Bimas Islam Konseling Perdamaian Berbasis Saloka 2024-12-10T02:31:40+00:00 Taufiqurrahman Ahmad Zayadi Hara Permana Hara <p>The purpose of this study is to explore the values of peace contained in Javanese saloka, with a special focus on internalizing saloka values into peace guidance. This research is a research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data in the study was divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary data. The primary data in this study are Javanese poetry and proverb textbooks by&nbsp; and Javanese expression meanings books by. Based on the results of data analysis, there are several saloka that uphold the principles of harmony, respect, and peace, namely saloka jembar segarane, menang tanpa ngasorake, Crah Agawe Bubrah Rukun Agawe Santosa, and Tepo Seliro. Peace guidance based on local wisdom can be done classically or in groups by adopting peace education procedures which include rational stages of the peace counseling model, exploring the root causes of violence and aggression, reflecting on the phenomenon of violence from a cultural perspective, teaching peace values contained in Javanese proverbs and saloka as alternative problem solving, looking for different forms of violence and eliminate them, and evaluate and follow up peaceful thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Counselors can train individuals to behave peacefully in both verbal and nonverbal forms. When a person can practice peaceful behavior, then they can suppress aspects of aggressiveness, which include physical, verbal, anger, and hatred.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Bimas Islam Komik Toleransi sebagai Media Edukasi dan Dakwah untuk Menangkal Radikalisme di Indonesia: Telaah Pustaka 2024-12-10T03:31:21+00:00 Maria Ulfa Mukhtar Gozali Ulil Abshar Robi Sugara <p>This research is a literature review that examines how tolerance-themed comics<br />can be used as educational and preaching (da’wa) media to counter radicalism<br />in Indonesia based on various previous related research. This research<br />employs a qualitative research method through integrative and narrative<br />literature reviews by summarizing, synthesizing, analyzing, evaluating, and integrating previous research from various current journal articles related<br />to the research topic. The findings show that with the advantages of comics<br />as media for education and da’wah and a variety content of comics fostering<br />tolerance, it can be said that tolerance-themed comics are effective media for<br />moral education and da’wa to foster tolerance and counter radicalism in<br />Indonesia, particularly for the younger generation. The content of tolerancethemed<br />comics includes topics such as social awareness, appreciation<br />for diversity, and the consequences of intolerance, which in the context of<br />Indonesia’s diverse society can contribute to counter radicalism and fostering<br />a harmonious and peaceful life of diversity in Indonesia. This tolerance<br />material is conveyed through elements of visual and narrative (texts) that are<br />entertaining, engaging, and easy to understand with stories that are relevant to<br />children’s daily lives. In the end, previous research on tolerance-themed comics<br />as media for education and da’wa in Indonesia remains limited and has not<br />specifically addressed countering radicalism. Therefore, this literature review<br />is significant as a foundation for further research related to topics on the use<br />of tolerance-themed comics to counter radicalism for Indonesian children and<br />for exploring other topics such as radicalism-countering comics and beyond.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Bimas Islam Analisis Etnografi Kritis: Kiprah Ulama Perempuan Sebagai Agen Media Literasi Bagi Kaum Marginal 2024-07-13T08:28:17+00:00 Elis Teti Rusmiati Ellys Lestari Pambayun Pambayun Juraidi Amal Fathullah <p>The role of female ulama&nbsp; as agents of critical media literacy for the marginalized as an effort to align them with other communities. Marginal people who are still not literate in Depok are still high.This article aims to analyze female ulama&nbsp; in mobilizing critical media literacy for marginal groups in Depok City that is still lagging behind in information and technology. The theoretical framework is the piety theory and critical media literacy theory. The research method uses critical ethnography which specifically analyzes the cultural problems of marginalized in an exploratory-interpretative and transformative way by indepth interview and focused discussion. The results of the study report that the gait of female ulama (pesantren) in mobilizing critical media literacy still has challenges: recognition from the patryarchy community as dominance; through a pious approach, critical media literacy as a way of preserving Islamic traditions and strengthening the independence and not shackled to the role of the ruler.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Bimas Islam Strategi Tafsir Ayat dalam Dakwah di Era Digital: Mengoptimalkan Media Sosial sebagai Makna Dakwah 2024-12-17T11:17:20+00:00 Iqrom Faldiansyah <p>The interpretation of da'wah verses in the digital era can be an effective strategy in optimizing social media as a means of da'wah. In the digital age, social media has become the most popular platform for communicating and interacting with others. Therefore, the use of social media in da'wah must be balanced with an effective interpretation of the da'wah verse to reach a wider audience. This research is a library research, the method used is descriptive analysis. With the aim of finding maximum results. The strategy of the interpretation of effective da'wah must take the rules of the interpretation of the verse correctly and accurately so that the message conveyed can be well understood by the audience. In addition, the interpretation of the da'wah verses adapted in the digital era must also be adjusted to the context of developing times, such as the use of images, videos, and audio as a tool in explanation. The application of the interpretation strategy of da'wah verses on social media must prioritize Islamic values that encourage peace and tolerance between religious believers. In this way, social media can be an effective means of da'wah to reach many people and inspire them to practice the teachings of Islam. The results of this study, the interpretation strategy of da'wah verses in the digital era can be an effective tool to optimize social media as a means of da'wah. In implementing this strategy, it is necessary to pay attention to the rules of the interpretation of the correct and accurate verse and pay attention to the context of the times that develop. With the right application, social media can be a strong tool in spreading peaceful and tolerant Islamic teachings.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Bimas Islam