Urgensi Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Mushaf sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Literasi Al-Qur'an di Indonesia The Urgency of Fulfilling the Needs of Mushafs as an Effort to Improve Al-Qur'an Literacy

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Hastomo Aji
Jamaluddin M Marki
Muhammad Rofiq
Asep Rifqi Abdul Aziz Rusli


This study aims to analyze the map of the need for Al-Qur'an manuscripts in Indonesia and to reveal the effect of the availability of Al-Qur'an manuscripts in each province on the Al-Qur'an literacy index. This is due to the availability of the Al-Qur'an Mushaf as one of the factors that causes the low literacy of the Qur'an which is often neglected. This study also attempts to analyze the availability of Al-Qur'an Mushaf in each Province with the aim of determining the level of Al-Qur'an literacy in the Province. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach through fact assessment, relevant theoretical studies, expert opinions, interviews and documents supported by data obtained from the government's printing of the Qur'an. This study reveals that the need for Al-Qur'an manuscripts in Indonesia is quite high and there is a disparity in the number of needs and availability of Al-Qur'an manuscripts. This study also found that the availability of the Al-Qur'an Mushaf affects the Al-Qur'an literacy index and even becomes the main cause of other causal factors. In other words, the more Mushaf Al-Qur'an, the higher the level of Al-Qur'an Literacy, and vice versa.


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How to Cite
Aji, Hastomo, Jamaluddin M Marki, Muhammad Rofiq, and Asep Rifqi Abdul Aziz Rusli. “Urgensi Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Mushaf Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Literasi Al-Qur’an Di Indonesia: The Urgency of Fulfilling the Needs of Mushafs As an Effort to Improve Al-Qur’an Literacy”. Jurnal Bimas Islam 15, no. 1 (July 28, 2022): 1–32. Accessed February 12, 2025. https://jurnalbimasislam.kemenag.go.id/jbi/article/view/602.


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