Urgensi ‘Urf dalam Tradisi Male dan Relevansinya dalam Dakwah Islam di Jembrana-Bali

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Made Saihu


Tulisan ini membahas tentang strategi dakwah di Jembrana-Bali melalui sarana ‘urf yaitu pada tradisi male. Tulisan berfokus menelusuri dampak dari strategi ‘urf atau kearifan lokal terhadap proses interaksi dan integrasi yang mengarah pada praktik damai pada masyarakat Hindu dan Muslim di Jembrana-Bali. Sumber data diperoleh adalah melalui observasi dan wawancara tak terstruktur selama bulan Maret sampai Juni 2019. Tulisan ini berupa penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus. Hasil dari tulisan ini memperlihatkan bahwa dakwah Islam melalui ‘urf yang mewujud dalam tradisi male dapat menumbuh-kembangkan pemahaman kebhinekaan, menumbuhkan ketertarikan umat Hindu kepada Islam, serta dapat membentuk karakter masyarakat Hindu dan Muslim di Jembrana menjadi humanis, toleran, dan inklusif, sehingga mengarah pada proses asosiasi, integrasi, komplementasi dan sublimasi.

Kata Kunci: ‘Urf, Dakwah, Male, Asosiasi, Integrasi, Komplementasi, Sublimasi.



This paper discusses the da'wah strategy in Jembrana-Bali through the means of f urf, namely in the male tradition. Writing focuses on exploring the impact of the ‘urf strategy or local wisdom on the process of interaction and integration which leads to peaceful practices of Hindu and Muslim communities in Jembrana-Bali. The source of the data obtained is through unstructured observations and interviews from March through June 2019. This paper is in the form of field research using a case study method. The results of this paper show that Islamic preaching through the 'urf' which manifests in the male tradition can foster diversity understanding, foster Hindu interest in Islam, and can shape the character of Hindu and Muslim communities in Jembrana to be humanist, tolerant and inclusive, thus leading in the process of association, integration, complementation and sublimation.

Keywords: ‘Urf, Dakwah, Male, Association, Integration, Complementation, Sublimation.


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How to Cite
Saihu, Made. “Urgensi ‘Urf Dalam Tradisi Male Dan Relevansinya Dalam Dakwah Islam Di Jembrana-Bali”. Jurnal Bimas Islam 12, no. 1 (December 27, 2019): 173–201. Accessed February 23, 2025. https://jurnalbimasislam.kemenag.go.id/jbi/article/view/91.


This paper discusses the da'wah strategy in Jembrana-Bali through the means of ‘urf, namely in the male tradition. Writing focuses on exploring the impact of the ‘urf strategy or local wisdom on the process of interaction and integration which leads to peaceful practices of Hindu and Muslim communities in Jembrana-Bali. The source of the data obtained is through unstructured observations and interviews during March to June 2019. This paper is in the form of field research using a case study method. The results of this paper show that Islamic preaching through the 'urf which manifests in the male tradition can foster diversity understanding, foster Hindu interest in Islam, and can shape the character of Hindu and Muslim communities in Jembrana to be humanist, tolerant and inclusive, thus leading in the process of association, integration, complementation and sublimation.