Tadarus Alquran di Trotoar Sebagai Pertunjukan Kesalehan di Ruang Publik Qur’an Recitation on the Sidewalk As a Show of Piety in Public Space

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Muhammad Agus Noorbani
Mahmudah Nur
Muhammad Tarobin


This paper presents an analysis of the new shift in the religious expression of Muslims in Indonesia. The main question that this article attempts to answer is whether the internet and new media have an impact on the religious expression of Muslims in urban areas of Indonesia? Using the literature study and review various online media reports, this paper examines the phenomenon of the Qur'anic tadarus movement on the sidewalks that occurred in several cities in Indonesia. The results of this study found that the recitation of the Qur'an marked a new chapter of Muslim religious expression. In the 1990s to 2000s religious expression was part of the participation of Muslims in the social and political system, a cultivation shifts from previous decades where Muslims distanced themselves from social and political systems that were deemed incompatible with Islamic values. In this phase, the boundaries between the private and the public in expressing religion are still maintained. Nowadays, along with the development of information technology and new media such as the internet, Muslim religious expressions cross the boundaries between the private and the public. Tadarus on the sidewalk or congregational prayers on the streets are becoming a kind of 'show' that is becoming increasingly common in Indonesia.



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Agus Noorbani, Muhammad, Mahmudah Nur, and Muhammad Tarobin. “Tadarus Alquran Di Trotoar Sebagai Pertunjukan Kesalehan Di Ruang Publik: Qur’an Recitation on the Sidewalk As a Show of Piety in Public Space”. Jurnal Bimas Islam 17, no. 2 (December 31, 2024): 302–328. Accessed February 22, 2025. https://jurnalbimasislam.kemenag.go.id/jbi/article/view/1368.


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